occasional diary of my native trees - občasný denník mojich stromov

streda 28. februára 2018

Prunus cerasifera - myrobalan plum

This tree came into my garden last autumn when one of our older club members decided to reduce the collection. Its our native species, a myrobalan plum. It was little neglected for a short time. Many inner branches were dry. Pictures before and after show how I cleaned the tree. I get rid off all dead and unnecessary branches. Next step will be repoting into better substrate, good feeding and watering during the growing season.
The tree has many defects as a bonsai, mostly the missing surface roots from back side. On the other side, the tree is quite old and has its own character. It reminds me of really old deciduous trees. Overall appearance is great, I love it.

Pictures before cleaning.

After cleaning during the winter.