occasional diary of my native trees - občasný denník mojich stromov

pondelok 31. júla 2017

Arenaria lithops - Piesočnica

Korean hornbeam - Hrab kórejský

Update of my Korean hornbeam. It grows really strong, I´m happy with it. Im not sure if I´m doing right, but I prune only the upper part of the crown. Lower branches are untouched. Looks like weeping willow :)

Acer negundo No.2 - Javorovec jaseňolistý č. 2

After devoliation in may, I had to remove more and more leaves in summer, to let the sun reach the inner buds.

Acer negundo No.1 - Javorovec jaseňolistý

Update of this big tree with big leaves. First post is here.


In 2013 after thread grafting. Two grafts made it, another two did not, because big part of the trunk died. Im happy with the lowest one, it´s the most important branch in composition. I let the lowest branch grow free to gain vigor. I chopped it down in early summer this year.

štvrtok 27. júla 2017

New privet - nový vtáčí zob

I was looking forward to work on this new material, originally from our local compost junkyard. This stump was thrown out bare-rooted. It looked like promising piece of wood, so I took it home and gave it a chance to survive. And it survived :) I let it grow free without any steps for a season. Initial carving and styling was done two weeks ago. Next carving work will continue when the dead wood dries.
Tešil som sa na prácu s týmto novým materiálom, pochádzajúcim z našej lokálnej kompostárne. Tento peň tam ležal s obnaženými koreňmi. Vyzeral celkom sľubne, preto som ho zobral domov a dal mu šancu žiť. A prežil :) Nechal som ho voľne rásť jednu sezónu. Prvé tvarovanie a úprava mŕtveho dreva prišli na rad pred dvoma týždňami. Ďalšie detailnejšie práce na mŕtvom dreve budem robiť keď drevo uschne.

Before carving work. I cut off several sub-trunks in spring.
Pred frézovacími prácami. Na jar som sa zbavil niekoľkých podružných kmeňov.

After work.